Saturday, 13 September 2008

Daily Photo #280

Linda and I popped along to Birmingham Artsfest 2008. I blagged a photography press pass and got close to the stage to shoot this.


Gotta love the Blues Brothers!

Friday, 12 September 2008

Daily Photo #279

It may be Friday and not Caturday but here is a random kitty shot.


Hooray for weekends!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Daily Photo #278

In memory of Sept 11th 2001.


My thoughts are with those who lost friends and family on that most terrible of days.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Daily Photo #277

Bah to Birmingham!


No German Wine Festival for Trav this year. That sucks big time.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Daily Photo #276

I love horses, best of the animals...


I love horses.... they're my friend!

Head here if you hated (but also loved!) that TV ad. Or if you're a purist, head here!

Monday, 8 September 2008

Daily Photo #275

Today has been a day of pain, meds and sleep.


Hence the quick and lazy post. And a photo of Linda to lift my spirits.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Daily Photo #274

We popped into Warwick for a wander around today. The weather wasn't too bad considering we were dodging past flash floods and the like yesterday. We witnessed many people's engines get flooded by water and puddles/flooding of at least 12 inches or more in certain instances.


We stopped off at the museum and went "oooooh" at the Giant Deer (yes, we did have giant deer way back when) and went "aaaahhhh" at the live bee hive thingy set in glass. Linda went "mmmmm" at her toasted teacake and I scoffed a great cheese salad sarnie (or sandwich if you prefer). Good times.