Saturday, 30 January 2010

Daily Photo #768

It's Sci-Fi Saturday!


Now, back to assembling and organising my office at home!

Friday, 29 January 2010

Daily Photo #767

Today had one of those amazing views across the sky.


This photo wasn't as "cold". It was quite difficult to describe as the view was overcast and hail was falling from above but then the clouds passed to give a glimpse of sunlight and everything seemed to slow down for a moment. The temperature dropped but the wind died down for a time and even the traffic seemed to become quiet. It reminded me of my time in Tuscon AZ where I stood at a roadside and watched the sun go down. It was cold but a warmth gripped me. Rather wonderful. Wish I had the writing skills to capture the intensity of it. But I haven't. So you'll just have to imagine it.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Daily Photo #766

Something to brighten your day.


Only a couple of more months and we'll be in Springtime!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Daily Photo #765

No clashes with the law today, albeit quite strangely as I saw quite a few coppers while on my lunch break.


If the lady cops were dressed like this, it might be fun though :p

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Daily Photo #764

No excuses.

Please read my profile before adding me as a contact.

I just like this shot. And I hate/loathe Tuesdays so this is more for me than you


Monday, 25 January 2010

Daily Photo #763

Provisional proof for a publication via Nightjar Press.


The story is called Black Country by local author Joel Lane. I have seen the cover proofs and they made this illustration look rather amazing. Props to Nick Royle for the encouraging words and feedback alongside giving me a chance to supply a cover illustration!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Daily Photo #762

Channelling my inner goth today.


I always thought this statue looked a little demonic.