Saturday, 7 March 2009

Daily Photo #455

In honour of seeing the screen adaptation of Watchmen, here is one of the guiding lights behind what is arguably among the greatest pieces of literature the world has ever known.


Dave Gibbons
, a wonderful chap and too talented for words. Oh yeah, I enjoyed the movie a great deal. It's like a three hour love letter to Alan Moore. Sadly, he will probably never see it.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Daily Photo #454

A view of Roosevelt Island in NYC.


One of the few places that seems very quiet just off Manhattan. I like to escape there and just walk around as it has some wonderful views.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Daily Photo #453

I did this set ages ago but I thought this one was quite fun.

ASBO Cyberwoman

The Asbo Cyberwoman. I was aiming for a 60's feel to the set, with one really striking/standout image that turned out to be this one.

As Linda was messing around between shots, I snapped this one as a lighting test.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Daily Photo #452

This was shot in Digbeth, Birmingham last year.


I was aiming for something with a 60's feel to it, crossed with the "Urban" style made so popular in the 1990's by magazines such as ID and The Face. I really want to experiment more with this style of image making.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Daily Photo #451

Cupcakes by Bunny.


Y'know, I have a really hankering for something sweet and confection-y right now?

Monday, 2 March 2009

Daily Photo #450

The temperature has really dipped today. Not sure if there's more adverse weather on the way.


Today's photo is to remind me that Spring will be on the way (eventually).

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Daily Photo #449

A shot from Hockley.


I just liked the angle on this, the way the monument watches over all that pass by.


Made it to 750,000 hits on my flickr stream today!

750,000 Visits


Thanks to everyone who visited.