Friday, 18 October 2019

See you all in December - Gone fishin'

I'm taking a much needed break from online activity.  My mental well-being took a massive turn for the worse during the Summer and I need respite/a leave of absence.

I'm tired of seeing all the liars, the hate, the fraudsters, the beggars, the hypocrites, the grifters, the fakes and those schilling their mediocrity/"work" in the name of "art" (or what barely passes for it).

It will be nice not to see all those idiots with their micro aggressive acts and their need to be akin to a dog pissing on a lamp post.

Most of all, it will be lovely not to witness toxicity, hype and the usual bullshit/sense of self-entitlement and bi-polar/border line personality disorder excuses/nonsense.

Keep well and see y'all in December!

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