Sunday, 3 February 2008

Daily Photo #57

Randomness today. Post Cloverfield, I thought best not to concentrate on buildings or anything that could have potential monsterefication (yes, I made the word up), so here's a gig picture I was asked to cover by a magazine editor last year. As per the norm, nothing really ended up happening with the images, they weren't too mediocre I think.

Custard Factory Gig

Still, nice to think of being in a sweaty audiotorium than the hellishly cold weather than suffering the cold winds we're having today.



Spoony Quine said...

` Aww! Pikshers! Who's that in this photo?

Traveller28 said...

It was a local folk band, I was sent to do the pics as opposed to a report so unfortunately, this is the band with no name ;)

Spoony Quine said...

` Aww, that's a shame. They're so wee and cute!