Tuesday, 6 July 2010

New contact details for me!

6 weeks ago I lost my mobile of 7 years, including sim card, texts, numbers, diary etc.

I now have a new phone number - if you need it, drop a comment here and I shall email it across to you.

Back to my Pac-Man iburpofen consuming now.



Anonymous said...

Seven years!?!?What did it run on, steam or did you put a big key in the back? :o)

Traveller28 said...

Not really, I have had two handsets since 2002. This time I lost both handset and sim, hence the new start.

I have to admit I miss my little Samsung, it had the shooty/matrix thing going on. Now I have a Blackberry and feel like a bit of a sheep.

fluid69 said...

I've got a Samsung that I've had for 3 or so years, and I'm seriously considering getting an iPhone 4 now. How's them sheep for you? ;)