Sunday, 24 February 2019

Something for a Sunday afternoon

"Still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest"....

I was caught up in my own problems - 4 February 2005.  Miss you, dad x

14 years - passed in an instant, you weren't perfect but you ensured Andy (my brother - even though we never met until 1992, family secrets suck) and myself were never hungry or bereft.  You taught me some harsh life lessons but maybe you were right.

Phil -  30 March 1946 * 4 February 2005.

In the clearing stands a boxer

And a fighter by his trade

And he carries the reminders

Of every glove that laid him down

Or cut him till he cried out

In his anger and his shame

"I am leaving, I am leaving"

But the fighter still remains

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